How I dealt with my first Trimester

My first trimester

faiza inam my first trimester couple

Now that it’s all out and in the open, I wanted to talk about my first trimester. Finding out I was pregnant was the easiest part. At that point, me and Sarmad were excited that we will be a family of 3 next year. Not long after that, I starting getting all the pregnancy symptoms. It started from the morning sickness including nausea, sensitivity to smell, headaches, vomiting etc. I had spoken to friends who are new mothers, most of them had nausea but no sign of vomiting. My day sadly didn’t end without me throwing up at least 15-20 times a days.

I remember going to the ER because my vomiting didn’t end. I was given IV and then would be sent home in few hours. The next 2-3 days would be ok for me but then it would start again and I would end up at the ER again. I think I have lost count of times I have been to the ER. In addition to vomiting,  I had other symptoms I was dealing with as well. I would be extremely tired in the morning and my taste buds including hating all types of meat. My sensitivity to smell was heightened so anytime I smelled chicken, coffee, eggs etc., I ran out of the room because it would trigger my vomiting. The only thing I loved having in the morning was fruit smoothies or just plain fruits.


By the end of my second month, doctors diagnosed me with something called Hyperemesis Gravidarum which lasted me for about 5 months. The condition is characterized by extreme nausea, vomiting, weight loss and somewhat dehydration. The doctors put me on at home IV where a nurse changed my IV bag consisting of anti-vomiting medications every night. I was given a PICC line for the IV as well. That was the hardest part of my pregnancy and I am glad I have gotten better. Although, I am still struggling with diet and slight nausea, I am at the part where I am actually starting to enjoy pregnancy. =)

Struggle and Conclusion

The pregnancy struggle is real but also a blessing experience. The last few months have made me calm and changed me to look at various things differently. Without Sarmad, the struggle would have been 10 times harder. He has helped me cope with the whole experience and has been there for me whenever I needed him. To conclude, my first trimester was hard but at the same time needed (in a way). I am just looking forward to the coming months and can’t wait to see the arrival of our newest family member.

faiza inam my 10 things a couple must do together 1

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